Monday 23 November 2015

What can I do to help? It starts in the kitchen.

Over the last few years there have been RAOK challenges doing the rounds on Facebook, where you challenge 3 people to do a random act during the year and in return you will do something for them. They then challenge 3 people and the RAOK movement grows.   When I saw these posts, I thought what a a wonderful idea but I didn't feel the need to put my hand up on Facebook.  I decided then and there that I would, cook a meal or something, when I saw an opportunity to help someone or to brighten a day.  I am pleased to say I have been doing it and I think it has made a difference for the people I have done it for.  For me it was also about "giving back" in some way for all the support our family receives.  

So Next time you want to help someone (whether that be a special needs parent or not) and just don't know what to do, cook them something and that will really help.  Make a family meal or make some cakes, slices or biscuits. Find yourself a "signature" item that is easy for you to make.  It does not have to be anything fancy,  just something you can whip up with (eventual) ease.

There you have it, you should never feel you can't do anything to help someone, especially a special needs family.  You may not be able to look after their child for them but you can cook for them.  As a special needs parent this is something you might be able to do to help others (I do acknowledge in some cases, due to the intense medical care your child requires, this might not be possible).

Go forth and cook.

PS. This is not a call out for meals for my family.  We are doing just fine :-)

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