Kids love Xylophones but not everyone has the fine motor skills to play one. When I made my own sensory wall I put put an altered xylophone on it, then I decided I could put it on a one of my individual sensory boards to make it more portable. Here is how you can do one too:
You need:
- Plastic chopping board
- Wooden xylophone ( I got one from ebay for under $10 delivered)
- wooden beads (I got some pet parrot beads on ebay for under $5 delivered)
- hat elastic
- cable ties
- drill

Drill the holes in the board that will allow you to attach the board to something, also drill holes to allow you to attach the xylophone to the cutting board with cable ties.
Thread hat elastic through the beads. You will note I thread it through, then I looped back and went through the hole a second time. This just helps to keep the beads from moving around too much. Attach the elastic to the xylophone, then the xylophone to the cutting board. Attach the board to any fence you have created or put it on a tray/table for your child to play with.
Always supervise when using as nothing is 100% secure. Good luck and happy creating.
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