Sunday 4 April 2021

Weighing made easier

Owen struggles to gain weight, so we need to keep a close eye on it.  He is non weight bearing so cannot stand on the scales.  Weighing him at the hospital on their wheelchair or chair scales isn’t great as all the departments scales weigh differently meaning we don’t get a consistent result.  You can hold him, and weigh yourself and him together, then take your weight off but then you have to hold him until he is still and he gets very heavy.  Hubby came up with the idea sit Owen in a heavy duty washing basket, pop the basket (and Owen) on  the scale (you can used two people to lift the basket on and off), then take the weight of the basket away and you have his weight. He is now 13 and only just got too big to be weighed this way

Sunday 7 April 2019

Smell be gone!!

I can not lay claim to this idea, it was all hubby.  I know it is an awkward subject but Owen can stink out the family room or his bedroom in an instant.  So when we went to replace our old lights,  we got some exhaust fan lights  (similar to the attached photo) installed in these rooms:

They look great and now if there is an unwanted smell, we simply turn on the exhaust fan and the smell dissipates quickly.